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Cognitive Psychology Practicals Online Resource

Designed by George Lovell and Ken Scott-Brown of Abertay University


Equipment Required

Most of these experiments will now work with a laptop, smart-phone or tablet. It's likely that the screen of a smartphone may be a bit too small for some of the studies to run correctly, but will enable you to experience the studies at least.

Those studies that need a keyboard are indicated, you'll find they 'hang' at certain points on smart-phones and tablets

Participant Information

Most of these studies will retain your responses on each trial (reaction times and accuracy), if you do not wish to have these data retained then do not participate in the studies. Some of the studies give the option of entering a participant ID at the beginning, do not enter your real name or any identifiable ID, leave the space blank or enter random numbers. Data acquired by each study are anonymised and shared on the Open Science Framework for the benefit of education in statistics and research methods.

Citing CogPracs

You'd generally use the normal 'website with authors' citation for CogPracs: e.g. "Lovell, P. G., and Scott-Brown, K. C. (n.d.). Cognitive Psychology Practicals. Retrieved Month Day, Year from https://psyresearch.abertay.ac.uk/CogPracs/".

All the experiments have been built using PsychoPy which you would normally cite by referring to a paper that describes it's useage: e.g. "Peirce J. W. (2009). Generating stimuli for neuroscience using PsychoPy. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, 2 (10), 1-8. doi:10.3389/neuro.11.010.2008".

Open Science Framework [OSF] provides pre-formatted citations for each of the experimental datasets.


Run the study Get the data Description

Early Vision

Run the study Get the data Description


Run the study Get the data Description


Run the study Get the data Description


Run the study Get the data Description


Run the study Get the data Description

Thinking and Biases

Run the study Get the data Description

Now that most of the studies run on phones and tablets it's possible to embed QR codes in lectures so that students can run the studies during your presentation for each link <click here to download the images>.